Cold Chain Federation Indigo WMS News

Cold Chain Federation Welcome New Member Indigo Software

International Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) specialist Indigo Software today announced that it had joined the Cold Chain Federation as an Associate Member.

International Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) specialist Indigo Software today announced that it had joined the Cold Chain Federation as an Associate Member.


The cold chain is vital to our economy and society. By transporting food, pharmaceuticals and other products safely from where they are grown or extracted, through the manufacturing process, into shops and restaurants and ultimately to the end consumer, the cold chain makes modern life possible.


Every product has a different journey through the supply chain. Take for example a food product like a bag of frozen peas. It must be grown, processed, packaged, stored, transported and then sold. This supply chain may be the responsibility of one company, from end to end, or more likely it will involve several different companies. Whether it’s one company or many they share the same fundamental challenge. They must make sure that at every stage of the chain the product is kept at an appropriate, safe, temperature.


Cold Chain Federation is the voice of the temperature-controlled supply chain in the UK. Its members are made up of businesses who operate frozen and chilled storage facilities and / or temperature-controlled distribution vehicles plus companies who have mutual commercial or policy interests.


Managing the cold chain is a very specific responsibility and requires specialist skills, knowledge, facilities, vehicles and technology.


Indigo Software is a leading warehousing and logistics supplier providing warehouse management system (WMS) software. Indigo Software has been an expert in warehousing solutions for over 40 years and has extensive experience implementing WMS technology in cold chain storage particularly in the food / drinks sector.


Further information about the Cold Chain Federation is available from its website at:

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