Man working in warehouse

Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals & Cosmetics

Indigo Software’s warehouse management system is the ideal solution for the pharmaceutical, chemicals and cosmetics industries. The complex LOT control and expiry nature of these products can stretch to the limit some companies. It is vital that the rotation of these items is not left to chance in your warehousing operations.

Improved traceability requirements

The demand for better traceability means the amount of information a distributor potentially needs to store is much greater. This creates a problem because it requires a large amount of potentially unnecessary administration effort since tracking the serial number or lot numbers with any kind of consistency and clarity is a near impossible task without the use of technology.


As an example, for many end user retailers, the serial number of an electrical appliance is typically only recorded once a product is sold to a consumer and not before. For the pharmaceutical industry this is simply not good enough. If a carton is damaged (or lost) in the warehouse, the pack needs to be accounted for at a cellular level and so data must be captured at manufacture and then traced right through the supply chain to the end user.

pharma warehouse management system
Tablet warehouse management

Benefits of pharma & chemical WMS

Why choose Indigo Software?

A best of breed warehouse management system provides many benefits to the pharmaceuticals, chemicals & cosmetics industries, such as


  • Improved warehouse efficiency
  • Optimised space utilisation
  • Improved inventory accuracy
  • Better visibility into inventory and order management,
  • Improved customer service and better forecasting capability
  • Powerful analytics to help companies make better informed decisions and manage their inventory more effectively

Indigo Software has extensive experience implementing warehouse management system solutions for customers in this sector.


The modules in Indigo WMS all have full lot control built into the architecture of the transactions ensuring there is a full solid audit trail allowing proof of compliance. Each operator moving any item of stock for whatever reason leaves behind a digital footprint in the database.


Indigo Software’s team of highly knowledgeable consultants have extensive real-world experience, ensuring a practical and business process focused solution, rather than just an IT led solution for your business. Our ethos is to do the right things in the best possible way.


Indigo can also meet all of your pharmaceutical, chemical and cosmetics warehouse hardware needs including barcode scanners, voice picking headsets, label printers, batteries, LCD screens and wireless infrastructure.

Evans Vanodine chemicals

Benefits of Indigo WMS quickly realised

Evans Vanodine is a family owned company which manufactures a wide range of janitorial and livestock protection chemicals for both the home and overseas market. An innovator and manufacturer of more than 100 quality cleaning and hygiene chemicals, Evans Vanodine has vast experience in manufacturing consistent, efficient and cost effective products for the professional user, which cover an extensive range of applications, from floor care and washroom to catering and laundry. Within weeks of the go live the benefits of using technology to manage warehouse processes became very apparent. The company has over 2,000 finished good SKUs which could be located in any of the 3,500 pallet spaces in the warehouse. Now the company knows exactly where all stock is located and what quantity is available for sale in real time. Now that the company has complete stock visibility its customers are reaping the benefits too and satisfaction levels have increased significantly. Read more.

Key trends impacting pharmaceutical warehouses

Economic challenges, consumer trends and advances in warehouse management technology are having an impact on the pharmaceutical sector. What are the key issues and how are companies responding?

Read trends impacting pharmaceutical warehouses blog

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