Established in 1984 by Gin and Geoff Hayward, Virginia Hayward has grown from a cottage industry to employ over a 115 full-time staff with that figure tripling during the peak Christmas period. The company remains wholly family-owned and places a strong emphasis on the quality of its customer service, whether customers are ordering 1 hamper or 10,000, the aim of the business is to always ensure that the customer feels special.
The company has diversified its original hamper business with the acquisition of Grand Illusions, specialising in modern vintage home and garden products and the establishment of a full 3PL services division, VH Logistics, offering tailored storage and fulfilment solutions spread across 400,000 sq ft of modern, purpose-built warehousing on the Dorset / Somerset border.

Knowledgeable Consulting Team
“Indigo Software’s consulting team were very knowledgeable and knew our industry as well as their own software.”
Steve Wilkinson, IT Director, Virginia Hayward

Proven Track Record of Integration
After conducting a full market review of software vendors to find a warehouse management system solution, and taking the WMS vendor short-list down to two, Virginia Hayward ultimately selected Indigo Software as its WMS supplier for a number of reasons. Indigo Software offered a proven track record of integrating its WMS with Sage 200 and the consulting team gave Virginia Hayward’s leadership full confidence that their investment would deliver clear returns thanks to in-depth vertical industry knowledge.
Discover more about Indigo Software’s warehouse management system solutions for food & drink.
Indigo WMS proves a treat for luxury hampers specialist, Virginia Hayward
Virginia Hayward, a leading supplier of luxury food and wine hampers to some of the UK’s most prestigious retailers, selected Indigo WMS to automate its warehousing at three of its business divisions.
read Virginia Hayward Indigo WMS press release