ESPO Indigo WMS warehouse management system pencils

ESPO is a public sector owned professional buying organisation, specialising in providing a wide range of goods and services to the public sector for over 40 years. ESPO offers a comprehensive, one-stop shop solution of over 25,000 catalogue products, 120 frameworks and bespoke procurement services. 

ESPO education warehouse

Clear returns from the outset

“We have invested heavily in Indigo and seen clear returns from the outset. Despite increased competition and challenging trading conditions, ESPO’s business has grown. We could never have achieved the profitability and performance levels we’re seeing today using our old paper systems without significantly increasing headcount.”

Dave Pearson, Warehouse IT Systems Analyst, ESPO

ESPO background image

Visibility of all warehouse operations

Due to the diversity of the stock and large bulk orders, ESPO’s extensive warehouse needed to be thoroughly maintained. EPSO also had grand expansion plans, for which they would depend on a smoother running warehouse. Multi-order picking was to be introduced, this transformed efficiency and accuracy in fast moving areas, particularly because orders coming in from any channel can be routed in real time to the best pickers available and then packed and shipped more quickly.


Indigo Software’s warehouse management system has enabled goods in, putaway, picking and dispatching processes to be managed and reported in real-time, significantly improving efficiency levels. Giving management the ability to gain immediate visibility of all warehouse operations in real time.


Discover more about Indigo Software’s warehouse management system solutions for wholesale & distribution.

ESPO Warehouse Management System Case Study

Picking has seen the biggest improvements to date, with pickers now routinely achieving 30 lines per hour. Order throughput has increased by 50%, as a result of being able to more efficiently route orders to pickers and then better control the pack and dispatch sequencing.

download ESPO WMS case study
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